Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Re-Entry into the Cardmaking World

I don't think I've made a card in over a year.  Maybe more like two years.  Getting into the craft room just isn't something I have a lot of chances to do...I always feel like there's something else I should be doing...dishes, laundry, giving a three year old a bath...but now that she's a little older and can draw on her own in the corner while I craft or just hang out with Daddy in the living room and actually stay focused on a movie or TV show, I should really put myself in the craft room more often.

I needed a birthday card a couple weeks ago for a teenage boy, so it had to be something simple, no frills, no sparkle.  I reached for one of my most reliable "manly" stamping sets - Plane & Simple from Stampin' Up!  Here's what I came up with :

I used Stampin' Up papers Chocolate Chip (the base), Soft Suede (middle layer), and Crumb Cake for the top layer.  I stamped the plane and the sentiment in Soft Suede ink on Very Vanilla paper then cut them out.  The border on the right side is another stamp in the set, also stamped in Soft Suede.  I used dimensional adhesive dots to stick the plane on the card, and used a thick brown thread to attach the "banner" with the wording on it. 

The card came out much like the name of the set: "Plane" and simple.  The birthday boy (young man?) liked it, so I guess I succeeded on this one!  It felt good to snip out that little plane and put it all together, even if it was without a lot of glitz and bling added to it.  Just to note, I put a piece of Very Vanilla paper on the inside to write on and stamped the corner with another stamp in the set just to tie it all together. 

I have a list of cards I need - most of them for women - so I fully intend to break out the sparkles for my next project.  I also have some "contracted" work that I'm not at liberty to speak of publicly yet, but let's just say it will be good to get back in that chilly little craft room and get to work!

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